Shaping the Future of Global Finance


满足博士. 乔纳森·R. 埃弗哈特11年,17年

Dr. 乔纳森Everhart校友博士. Jonathan Everhart is a leader in financial innovation and technology

In his role advising the U.S. Government, the World Bank and the United Nations, UIW alumnus Dr. 乔纳森·R. 埃弗哈特会计师事务所., MCSI (ms ' 11, DBA的17), 已迅速成为全球金融创新和科技的领导者.

2022年8月,他被任命为美国投资咨询委员会(United States Investment Advisory Council)成员.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. 今年早些时候,他还被邀请加入著名的布雷顿森林委员会,成为未来金融工作组的成员.

Everhart is the Chairman, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Global RE Holdings, a company co-founded with fellow UIW alumnus 凯尔 Utterback (MS ’11).

While it sometimes seems that success comes fast, the path to success is often long; paved with hard-work, preparation and faith. And this was the case for Everhart.


问:作为UIW的两年制毕业生,你在UIW的总体经历是什么? What did it teach you, both inside and outside the classroom?

答:我在UIW的经历是我教育和专业基础的重要组成部分. uw的小班教学和协作社区让我与Dr. 安妮特•克雷文 and classmates, like my business partner 凯尔 Utterback.

The Master’s in Accounting program enabled me to become a CPA, 而DBA项目让我成为了一名终身公司法教授和全球金融领袖. 此外,我来自科珀斯克里斯蒂,所以离家近对我参加威斯康星大学有好处!

Q: What person, course or experience had the most influence on you at UIW?

答:博士. 安妮特•克雷文, 前UIW教授,UIW工商管理博士项目主任, 自从我参加了她的研究生商务沟通课程后,她对我的职业生涯有了很大的帮助.

My company started from a business plan assignment in her class. 我的合伙人, 凯尔, 我制定了商业计划,并同意在法学院毕业后创办公司.

此外,博士. 克雷文 has been a prominent mentor to me, 从我在联合国的全球政策工作到她邀请我回UIW完成我的博士学位. From her own professional endeavors around the world, Dr. 克雷文告诉我,我将有机会在联合国发言. She saw this in me.

然而, 她告诉我,我需要在我的名字前面加上“博士”的头衔,这样我的话才能在联合国这样的论坛上对其他全球领导人有分量. 她是对的.

In 2018, 我的公司被选为全球仅有的15家公司之一,加入联合国绿色技术创业倡议的全球社区.

I serve on an advisory board for this initiative. 联合国秘书处邀请我代表咨询委员会在2019年的联合国科学-政策-商业论坛上发言, 因为我的专业知识以及我是董事会中唯一一个拥有博士学位的人.

Dr. 克雷文’s guidance prepared me for this opportunity, and she continues to mentor me as I move forward in my career.

Q: You’ve earned more than 10 degrees across several academic fields. What inspired you on this journey of learning?

A:在我的家庭里,受教育是非常重要的,这是在我成长的过程中灌输给我的. 在我的职业生涯中,我也遇到了一些鼓励我继续深造的教授.

I learned early on in the corporate world that as a black man, earning a degree was the best way to showcase my knowledge to open doors.

我的家人,博士. 克雷文, 其他的导师和同事……这些人从他们自己的经历中看到了我能做什么和我能去哪里. But they also knew what I needed to do to be able to ‘sit at the table.’

仅仅阅读有关某一学科的书籍或参加继续教育课程是不够的. 我的名字后面和简历上的学位或执照更有分量.

As you can see from my accomplishments, 这为我打开了许多机会的大门,如果我没有学位,我就不会有这些机会.

Q: In your role on the United States Investment Advisory Council, 你将如何帮助在美国开发有吸引力的投资机会?

A: As an Advisory Council Member, 我将就外国直接投资和新兴资本市场技术提供建议和咨询,这些技术可以增加美国5万亿美元的外国直接投资.

All council members have a broad perspective, through their companies, their acumen in the commercial sector and their insight into policy.

例如, 我们公司目前正在成立一家公开交易的私募股权公司——名为InnovativCapital Corp .. – on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange. 我们的私募股权公司正在利用我们全球领先的Kognetics®技术开拓创新的资产管理投资平台, which aids in attracting foreign direct investment.

我们与纳斯达克的投资情报部门合作,使用Kognetics®创建了我们的创新投资平台. Kognetics®被世界经济论坛评为塑造资本市场未来的全球十大领先技术之一.

世界银行和联合国也承认了这项技术及其影响. 我曾就一项将Kognetics®用于新兴市场经济发展的倡议向世界银行提供建议. Last year, I spoke at the United Nations about it, too.

这就是我将向安理会和联合国提供的咨询专业知识.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo.

Q: You were recently invited to join the Bretton Woods Committee, a group dedicated to effective global economic and financial cooperation. 你能告诉我们更多关于你将和这个委员会一起交付的工作类型吗?

布雷顿森林委员会是全球金融和经济领导人的杰出组织. 布雷顿森林协定实际上在1944年创建了世界银行和国际货币基金组织.

I have joined the Committee alongside other esteemed leaders. Members include Dr. Roger Ferguson, Jr. (former vice chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve System), William Rhodes (former chairman and CEO of Citibank), Afsaneh Beschloss (CEO of RockCreek Group), 博士和. Henry Kissinger (former U.S. Secretary of State).

I currently serve on the Future of Finance Working Group. We evaluate emerging trends, 挑战, opportunities and ideas across the global financial services sector. 我是几份关于新兴技术对全球金融科技影响的政策简报的主要起草人, cybersecurity and blockchain applications.

此外, I will be periodically attending events, 比如国际货币基金组织和世界银行集团的年会, 与国际金融机构及其成员国政府合作.

Our goal is to promote open and integrated markets, international commerce and trade, and investment opportunities.

问:如果你现在对威斯康星大学工商管理专业的本科生讲话, what personal and career advice would you give them?

A: There are two key points of advice I would give students.

First, there are no shortcuts to achieving your goals. You must go through the process. 第二,准备好抓住最终会到来的未来机会.

Too many times, I see people focusing on whether they will get opportunities. If you go through the process, as I previously mentioned, God promises us the opportunities will be there.

因此, 你应该专注于通过掌握正确的知识来为自己做好准备, 凭证, 积累经验和人脉,这样当机会来临时,你就能抓住它. I hope my journey can be a testament to this.